After twelve years of school i can finally agree that their is happiness in education.School has been a interesting journey for me.The beginning of the tunnel i love school because i took naps,played with toys,and ate snacks.Midway through is were i experinced traffic lights.i had a couple of stop signs a few teachers who pushed me and said go.i came across many hills were at times i felt up and times i felt sign that stood out the most was the bright yellow sign that says STRAIGHT AHEAD that is the sign that keeps me going and reminds me never to stop learning.
for a long time i thought i did not like school but actually evaluating the situation i realized i do not like to fail.
math is one subject that i feel has always been a battle for me.i still have trouble with math to this day.math was always hard for me because i didnt really pay close attention.that is one subject that requires alot of effort science has always been an interesting subject for me.i enjoyed new experiments and it always kept me has its pros and cons as everything eles in life.(pros-highly educated,better job,more knowledge,meeting new people,expressing yourself,build skill,learn how to excelll in life)(cons-FAILING,waking up early,school lunch,mean teachers,peer pressure,bullies,alot of work,phone calls home,not moving on to the next level) i make my ride smoother by excepting the fact that education is what i need in order to sucseed in my carea .i often tell myself i have a goal, i have to pass,if i dont want to fail i must work harded.If i am not satisified with the grades that i am reciving study more,get tutuoring,read more.
being happy in education is significant because you will prosper more and faster no one wants to do something and be mad at the fact their doing it.thats when you will start to fail and thing negative of have to keep your eye on the prize.having a goal always keep me optomistic about education.There are people to help and the knowledge is their all i have to do is go for it and do not except failure as an option .
Tanaisha, Your use of metaphors (street signs and of a long journey, etc) was so creative and so effective. I loved it. We need to work on some grammar issues (especially using "i" instead of "I"!) over the next few weeks. You seem very wise - your son is lucky to have a mom like you to help shepherd him through school when his time comes :)